Friday 8 March 2019

UTeM Sunset: Timelapse

If you still remember, I posted about a hill in my university. I made it to the top again for a timelapse shot. This is my first time doing timelapse shot. (

Doing timelapse is not easy and it is very time consuming, it is not fast forwarding a video. For a 60fps timelapse video, you need 60 picture for 1 second of timelapse. This time I hike up late and I only get to take 478 photos which means about 8 second timelapse.

I shot the photo with my Sony α37 mount on tripod and the angle, position has to be the same through out the whole shooting. The setting is like below:

  • Aperture: F25
  • Shutter Speed: 1/100 s
  • ISO 100
  • Manual focus
  • CPL Filter + Lens hood
The setting also change little by little as the sky becomes darker, the setting for the last photo is
  • Aperture: F14
  • Shutter Speed: 1/20 s
  • ISO 100
  • Manual focus
  • CPL Filter only
I'm keeping the shutter speed at least 1/50 s when there is still people walking around to prevent weirdness. So I increase the aperture instead.

The photos is tweak in LightRoom and synchronized over all 478 photos. All tweaked RAW image is later export into a folder. This process took the longest time because it is rendering 478 individual photo into JPEG photo.

All the photo is then import into PremierePro with image sequence setting on so all the photo are imported as one file. Next, drag that one file into the timeline and adjust the time duration. A title, and a license-free background music is added and render it as 4k 60fps video.

The final product is not very satisfying as it is not very steady and it is only 10 second long. But at least I had try my very first timelapse shots.