Sunday 27 January 2019

Another Road Trip, More Photo Coming Soon

Just went for another road trip yesterday, this time we went to Sedili, Desaru and Sungai Rengit, along the east coast of Johor, along the South China Sea. These places are in another district, Kota Tinggi district.

We went to a few beach include my favorite beach of all time. This is panoramic picture of that beach, it is a very bad panorama taken with my phone. But all the photo are taken by my Sony α37.

It is my favorite beach of all time because the sand is actually full of tiny shells and nice pebble. Technically, they are not sand, they are shells and pebble. But it fill the whole beach, from the land to the sea and from this end to that end.

I also collect some "sand" for collection because I saw some construction going on over that nice beach. Who knows, this nice beach may be unfortunately destroyed soon? It will be very sad, but at least I had collect a bottle of sand just in case the beach gone. Hopefully don't.

But you can expect more photo is coming soon.

Saturday 26 January 2019

Last Picture of Johor Bahru Photoshoot

It is the same shortcut as the one in the last post. And it is where the street art is. This, too is very difficult to take because of different lighting. The shaded area is very dark while outside is very bright as the burning sun shines on it.

The picture is taken also in manual mode, RAW file with the following setting

  • ISO 100
  • Shutter speed 1/400

Thursday 24 January 2019

Hidden Beauty of City of Johor Bahru

This is one of a shortcut to go between 2 streets. It has a older building vibe I thought it is a good spot to take a picture. This picture took me a while because there is people walking in and out of this walkway and the sun is too hot for me to stand there for longer time, so I can't really take a straight picture with perfect setting.

Same with previous photo, it is a RAW file with the following setting
  • ISO 100
  • Shutter speed 1/2500

Wednesday 23 January 2019

Street Art of Johor Bahru

For this 3 street art photo, since it is in shaded area, photo shooting is very easy, HDR on the phone camera also did a very good job, but I still take the RAW file and adjust the setting just for training myself.

Besides that, I also crop the picture to trim off unwanted things like big stone on the road that is in the picture. Also straighten some picture so that the art is straight.

Nothing to edit in Photoshop as well, it is an easy photo.

JB City Square

This shot is opposite of the picture I post in the last post. The picture is very difficult to take before the sun is a lot brighter as it is nearer to the sun. The picture also takes in manual mode in this setting:
  • ISO 100
  • Shutter speed 1/2500
Below is the original RAW file (on the left) and even the camera's HDR doesn't enhance the picture well. The HDR photo is on the right. Both picture doesn't reflect how the building seen from real life is. So processing and editing is definitely needed.

Tuesday 22 January 2019


First picture, this is the JBCC KOMTAR. It was a 2 part pictures because phone camera is not wide
enough to capture everything in one photo. The photos were taken in manual mode with this setting

  • ISO 100
  • Shutter speed 1/1600

Below is the original RAW files, without HDR enhancing,

Monday 21 January 2019

It's time to begin the processing of the photo I took.

The photo that I took actually are not pictures, they are RAW file. RAW file is basically sensor information. So I can have the purest source file with no quality loss to process and only export it after done everything. Since RAW file is not a picture, it can't be opened by normal applications. It has to be opened through applications that read RAW files, for example Adobe Photoshop LightRoom.

Sunday 20 January 2019

Finish posting old photos

Finally, I've done posting all the photos that I had upload on Instagram (here) but haven't in blog.

Few days ago, I went downtown of where I live to do something. And I'm thinking since I'm here, might as well do some photo shoot, so I use my OnePlus 5T to take a some city shots. But there is construction everywhere because of a number of plan and project. But somehow I manage to shoot some nice photo.

I hasn't start process the photo, but I'll blog about it and bring y'all throughout my processing journey. Here's a peak of one of the unprocessed photo.

See you tomorrow (or a day after tomorrow) for the journey of the photo processing.

Saturday 19 January 2019

Pontian-Kukup-Rambah Road Trip

Another road trip to Pontian and Kukup, another district (Pontian district) of the State of Johor, Malaysia. It was actually a trip to buy some seafood, but we are late for the goodies.

So we went to Kukup, it's where the seaport to Indonesia is, and it is a very special town. The town is on top of massive swamp. That's right, house, shop and walkway on top of wet soil where crabs and salamanders lives.

Photoshoot during exam period

Took a few shot with my phone (OnePlus 5T) in my university during exam period. It was my first time taking symmetry photo. It took a very long time to just shoot one perfect symmetry photo.

Also took some photo of my faculty from the outside. That time because it was early in the morning, the parking lot is empty. I can really stand on a perfect location to take the photo.

Friday 18 January 2019

Moon photography

It is not a full moon, no event occur on the day I take this photo. But the sky is clear and the moon looks very big to the eye (it is an optical illusion that the closer the moon to the horizon the bigger it looks like).

So I decided to take photo of this moon. The picture is taken by Sony α37 in manual mode with the setting

Segamat Road Trip

Road trip... some people sleep in the car, some people enjoy the journey as much as the destination. Went to Segamat, Johor for a road trip. It was the only district in my home state that I haven't visit. It was fun and delicious and it's nice to photograph.

Singapore One Day Trip

Went to Marina Bay, Singapore and it was a very nice place to photograph. First of all there's this iconic building and Singapore Flyer. Although the sky is not that good for photo shoot, but nothing I can do about it.

We park at Garden by the Bay and walk around.

2018 Christmas

It is actually some random photography. That day I saw the Christmas decoration on the piano of the church, I took out my phone (OnePlus 5T) and start to shoot it in manual mode with the setting
  • ISO 250
  • Shutter Speed 1/10
  • Manual focus
I shoot in RAW format and process it afterward.
These are the comparison of the RAW file and finalized photo

Thursday 17 January 2019

KLIMS 2018 Motorshow

Went to KLIMS (Kuala Lumpur International Motor Show) with a few friends. Too bad there's not a lot of supercars. But it was my first time going to a car show. The first car we saw is this nicely personalized Mercedes C-Class coupe, it is not part of the show car tho.

Done Reworking Blog

Done rework the whole blog and this blog is now my photography blog, all my photography will be uploaded in Instagram and this blog (full quality photo).

I'll start write about the photography from where I left out.

Tuesday 15 January 2019

Announcement on my blog update

It's been a very long time I didn't update anything here, it's actually quite inconvenient to use phone to update blog regularly.

After some planning, I've decide to rework this blog and turn it into photography blog, of course I'll still update my photography Instagram page (Follow the page here), but I'll blog about that day, how I process the photo, post-production editing etc. And maybe a throwback photography every week, hopefully I can train myself to be more discipline in updating blog.

For other stuff,
I'll update my car channel (The Manual Driver) through the Instagram page (@themanualdriver)
Update on cajon cover will be on the Facebook page (here).
For photography, I'll update on Facebook page, this blog and the photography Instagram page (here).

For Facebook page, it will be used for every update include my YouTube and Photography.