Monday 21 January 2019

It's time to begin the processing of the photo I took.

The photo that I took actually are not pictures, they are RAW file. RAW file is basically sensor information. So I can have the purest source file with no quality loss to process and only export it after done everything. Since RAW file is not a picture, it can't be opened by normal applications. It has to be opened through applications that read RAW files, for example Adobe Photoshop LightRoom.

First, I import every photo into the LightRoom. Then compare, choose and flag the photo. I choose the photo base on the histogram and composition.

Histogram indicates the exposure of the photo, I don't care about how dark or how bright the photo is but I avoid underexposure and overexposure in the photo. So I can have all the details.

Next, composition. There's a lot of rules on composition like rules of third, guideline, center etc, I won't talk about it today. Of course I can always crop the picture but it is better if I use the photo with good composition than just crop a picture into a smaller picture.

So after selecting, there is 10 pictures including some which will be compile into one picture like this one. The pictures is hasn't been finished yet. That's why the sky looks boring and the ground looks too bright.

These photo is also very different from the picture I posted in the last post (here). That picture is not a RAW file and it is automatically edited with the HDR features in the phone. Honestly, HDR did a good job but sometime it just overdo and makes the picture very different from the real world.

Next, I'll post about the photo one by one.
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