Tuesday 22 January 2019


First picture, this is the JBCC KOMTAR. It was a 2 part pictures because phone camera is not wide
enough to capture everything in one photo. The photos were taken in manual mode with this setting

  • ISO 100
  • Shutter speed 1/1600

Below is the original RAW files, without HDR enhancing,

The setting is the same for both picture so that everything has the same exposure and white balance and it won't have a gradient like in camera panorama shots.

Then all the other setting is fine tuned in LightRoom and sync across both picures.

Both pictures is then transfer to Photoshop and combined manually. Then resize, crop and rotate the top portion to fit the bottom portion and use eraser to fix the unmatching details.

After combining the pictures, the final product is saved and export into finalized photo as shown on the top of the post.