Sunday 27 January 2019

Another Road Trip, More Photo Coming Soon

Just went for another road trip yesterday, this time we went to Sedili, Desaru and Sungai Rengit, along the east coast of Johor, along the South China Sea. These places are in another district, Kota Tinggi district.

We went to a few beach include my favorite beach of all time. This is panoramic picture of that beach, it is a very bad panorama taken with my phone. But all the photo are taken by my Sony α37.

It is my favorite beach of all time because the sand is actually full of tiny shells and nice pebble. Technically, they are not sand, they are shells and pebble. But it fill the whole beach, from the land to the sea and from this end to that end.

I also collect some "sand" for collection because I saw some construction going on over that nice beach. Who knows, this nice beach may be unfortunately destroyed soon? It will be very sad, but at least I had collect a bottle of sand just in case the beach gone. Hopefully don't.

But you can expect more photo is coming soon.