Wednesday 23 January 2019

JB City Square

This shot is opposite of the picture I post in the last post. The picture is very difficult to take before the sun is a lot brighter as it is nearer to the sun. The picture also takes in manual mode in this setting:
  • ISO 100
  • Shutter speed 1/2500
Below is the original RAW file (on the left) and even the camera's HDR doesn't enhance the picture well. The HDR photo is on the right. Both picture doesn't reflect how the building seen from real life is. So processing and editing is definitely needed.

The HDR picture on the right is just to show you how the phone enhance the picture. I'm using the RAW file on the left instead because I need all the finest detail.

So first, I do some adjustment to the RAW file and since the exposure on the sky and building is very different, it is very difficult to perfect the photo. It took me a very long time to trial and error. Finally, done the adjustment.

This is the best I can do on the LightRoom, it looks better than the original but the sky is not what the eye sees. So I proceed to edit in Photoshop. I just add a curve layer to the sky and masked the building. It surprisingly makes the sky better.

I did do a few fine tune to the curve and mask and save it, export into the finalized photo as shown on the top of the post.